Writing Exercise: I Am From…

I Am From…

I am from a sandbox in a desert town

A-B-C-D-E-F-G with Big Bird.

I’m from blackberry brambles,

blackberry pie, blackberry fingers.

I’m from Grape Grandma’s flowery dress, purple, white, green.

I am from rain, rain, rain,

mudball fights and fortress doors

caterpillars in jars, ferns in the forest,

frogs, climbing trees, and pine sap on my sweater.

I’m from a bicycle with daisies on a banana seat,

from a wrinkly, winky grandma holding on behind

and letting go,

playing truck driver at the closed gas station,

going 65.

I’m from doorbell ditching at Buster Brown’s mansion.

I am from salty, sulfur swimming in summer heat and winter fog.

From eating too many sunflower seeds, hulls and all,

getting sick, sick, sick, and cut wide, wide open.

I’m from teachers who spoke Spanish,

books of whangdoodles, cottages, orphans, castles,

and Mrs. Mike.

I am from Swedish fish at Bell’s Market, buying

illicit Sen-Sen to eat in the backyard before

“No Bears Come Out Tonight”.

I’m from friends who tried suicide

and survived. And the ones who didn’t.

I’m from babies, bedtime stories, family camping

never catching a fish.

I am from a solar eclipse, the Pleiades,

wishing on a shooting star.

I’m from puppies, kittens, hamsters,

funerals for old pets.

I’m from China,

tears for my children,

fear of police,

bargaining for scarves,

oranges in January,

shamrocks in February and March,

more rain, rain, rain.

I am from America,

Free to shout,

Free to argue,

Free to play,

Free to worship,

I Am Free to be Who I Am.


2 thoughts on “Writing Exercise: I Am From…

    • Thank you.
      Poetry has always been easier for me to write than prose.
      I think this needs further revision but I will have to give it time to ‘gel’ before I come back to it again. For now, two revisions will have to do.


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